Age: 24; Will be 25 years old on 08 Dec 2013 and I can truly say I’ve accomplished much of what  I wanted in this life.


 Bedsize: Queen.

 Chores that you hate: Laundry and cleaning up after my mini.

Dogs: Don’t have one, don’t want one. A child is enough responsibility

 Essential start to your day: Getting a hug from my daughter and telling her I LOVE HER!

 Favorite color: Black or Orange.

Gold or Silver: Ummmm, this is hard. It really depends on my mood and the outfit and look I am wearing. Jewelry is jewelry and I “LOVE” it all.

 Height: 5 feet/ 03 inches.

 Instruments you play: The “AIR” drums, lol.

Job title: Sergeant of Marines

Kids: Yes. A Beautiful 3 year old daughter

Live: Atlanta, Ga

Most Prized Possession: A single artificial rose that I kept from my father’s funeral when I was 12 years old.

 Nicknames: Nyakio, Aki, Rivvy, Rag Muffin (My father only calls me this)

 Overnight hospital stays: Never but I have had a MAJOR surgery before.

Pet peeves: Love yourself, Take pictures (Life is a story), Health and Fitness

Quote:  “I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.”  Susan B Anthony

Righty or Lefty: Righty.

Siblings: I have 11 younger siblings. I’m the oldest of 12  I know, I know “That’s ridiculous” LOL.

Trips: My dream trip would be a summer tour backpacking through the country of Spain or Germany. But I will be visiting Dominican Republic and Cancun this year.

 Underwear: Yes, all the time. Nobody has time for that RATCHET mess! LMAO.

Vegetable you hate: Squash. Just doesn’t sit right with my stomach, get my drift.

 Worst Fear: Dying alone.

X-ray of broken bones: No broken bones, but I did have a torn rotator cuff and labrum tear in my left shoulder and cubical something in my left elbow.

Your favorite meal: I love Italian food.

Zumba: Sometimes, but I prefer CROSSFIT & ENDURANCE training!

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